tisdag, augusti 14, 2007

Gorey + Dracula

Edward Gorey designed the sets for the stage play Dracula with Frank Langella. It was released as a cut out play theatre. A very nice little thing.

On Youtube you can see a short animated film using these. A guy called Matt made it. Good work!

måndag, februari 05, 2007

A lot of gore(y)

Finally! The latest and last(?) collection of Edward Gorey wierdness is out! Read what the great Gorey site Goreyography writes about the book: Amphigorey Again.

I have just placed an order for a copy together with a copy of War of the Worlds illustrated by Gorey.

fredag, januari 05, 2007

Happy new year!

By the way, Happy New Year! This is the year when everything will happend! Two childrens books, a comicstrip and hopefully another MiscatoniCon!